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Stoneware Glazes For Woodfiring 2024


TesttileA ceramic adventure around glazes and woodfiring at the ICS Kecskémet, Hungary, 24th September - 1st October2024. An introduction into woodfiring and the development of glazes. This is not about sharing recipes (except those for food). It’s about getting a tool box which will enhance the learning process and the understanding of glazes after you returned to your own studio.
It is suitable for all of you who would like to develop a deeper understanding of glazes so that you are able to develop those glazes that you want with a reasonable effort and to fire it successfully. It will be the third edition of my glaze seminars for the ICS Hungary. The first edition took place in 2014, and you can read the old announcement as well as the summary here. There are also a lot of pictures giving an impression about the place and the kiln we used.

Reading the old announcement would also give you a good idea about the workshop content. But I can make it a bit shorter here: My speciality is the combination of volumetric blending and computer aided glaze calculation. These are both fantastic tools in itself, but the combination of those two methods accelerates the learning speed dramatically. And what sounds dry, complicated and far away will be useful and near after you've done it once or twice.

After the workshop Patricia Shone wrote: "I am finding all that you taught us on the course very useful. I am surprised that I have remembered so much! And my kiln firing is much faster and hotter now."

Super E KilnThe results will be woodfired, and, depending upon the number of participants and the amount of work, also gas fired. I hope on many participants because the more people are there the more experiments can be made.

I'm very glad to be able to hold this seminar at the ICS. It is such a wonderful place with fantastic possibilities. And it will be in autumn, 24th September - 1st October 2024. Further informations are provided at



The workshop will be held in English. For reservations please contact the ICSHU, Steve Mattison.


Some pictures from the last seminar in 2014. Photographer: Joris Jan Bos




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