Markets outside Germany 2018

Jun 29, 2019
Erstellt von: Markus Boehm
Kategorie: Exhibitions/Markets
We're not only going to German potters markets. Here are the others…

Want Something Special?

Plates, Ash GlazesIf you saw something on our website, FB or Instagram, and you'd like to buy that at a market, plase let us know before the market. Meanwhile we are producing such a wide range of products that we have to limit ourselves when we are exhibiting, so just let us know what we should pack for you.

So far we had been to potters markets in Austria, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Belgium and Italy. Two years ago we undertook the adventure to go to England. It was good enough to try it again  ;-)



 Hatfield House (north of London) Art in Clay August 16/17/18th



MÜRITZKERAMIK:  Alt Gaarz 6, 17248 Lärz

Werkstattgalerie geöffnet:  (Mai bis Ende September) Dienstag bis Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, ansonsten nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder auf gut Glück.

Anfahrt . Kontakt  . Impressum


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