Australian movie premiere of the film "Laid Back Wood Firing"

Jan 14, 2012
Erstellt von: Markus Boehm
Kategorie: General
The first public performance of the film "Laid Back Wood Firing"  took place successfully on Saturday, the 7th January, 2012, 1.30 at Sturt Clubbe Hall.

In 2009 Australian potter Steve Harrison came to Alt Gaarz for a very special kiln building workshop: building, loading, firing and unpacking a bourry box kiln within one week!Premiere Laid Back

About this workshop a professional DVD was made. This fim was introduced to the Australian public in the frame of the Sturt Summer School on the 7th of January, 1.30 pm. After that Dr. Steve Harrison and Markus Böhm answered questions from the public.

More informations about this past kalkspatz workshop you can also find here.

All the DVD's that I brought from Germany had been sold at this event. I will produce new DVD's but this will take some time as printing on DVD's is not available in Australia everywhere. The new DVD's should be ready at the beginning/mid of February 2012.

DVD laidback

As long as I am in Australia I will sell the DVD for 19 AU$ directly or 22AU$ included packing and shipping. Just send an email or contact me at  0416 715 579





laidback DVD



MÜRITZKERAMIK:  Alt Gaarz 6, 17248 Lärz

Werkstattgalerie geöffnet:  (Mai bis Ende September) Dienstag bis Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, ansonsten nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder auf gut Glück.

Anfahrt . Kontakt  . Impressum


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