August 2012: Tea, Ikebana and more...

Jul 21, 2012
Erstellt von: Markus Boehm
Kategorie: Workshops
Fantastic Seminar with Ulrich Haas (Urasenke Tea Master), Marc Lancet (Ceramic Artist) and Nicolaus Peters (Ikebana)

Marc Lancet wrote about this seminar:

"The more I think about this the more I realize that in my long career, I have never had such an opportunity. I will be looking forward to the presentation of the other two very much. I want Potters who are interested in Japanese ceramics not to miss this opportunity. They will only kick themselves if they miss this."

More informations are available here.



MÜRITZKERAMIK:  Alt Gaarz 6, 17248 Lärz

Werkstattgalerie geöffnet:  (Mai bis Ende September) Dienstag bis Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, ansonsten nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder auf gut Glück.

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