Paul Davis Pre-conference Workshop at Alt Gaarz, Summer 2010

Here is the text from the old announcement:

From Sake to Espresso cup

Paul Davis explaining Ash GlazesWorkshop with Paul Davis at Alt Gaarz

Paul is one of the most generous men I know; he expends his humour as extravagantly as his immense knowledge. As somebody who lived and worked in Japan for 7 years he has a very special treasure of this knowledge. And as somebody who is requested internationally for workshops he has a very special treasure of stories where mostly well known wood firers are playing their part - sometimes better, sometimes less good...

Paul said that he needed those 7 years to understand this strange ceramic culture. And then he spend the next seven years get Japan out of his head again to develop his own ceramic language. In spite of this Japan has left a mark: the throwing of sake cups became routine, but those Sake cups
turn into Espresso cups in contemporary Australia...


In April 2008 I had the opportunity to help Paul with the preparation of the Australian Woodfire Conference at Mittagong: splitting and stacking wood, making and firing pots. For me it was an unforgettable time. And such an unforgettable time we want to organise at Alt Gaarz. Five days with one firing, many demonstrations, glaze recipes, tool building instructions and much more stories... 

No need to say how much I’m looking forward to this workshop.






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