Residency and exhibition at Strathnairn

Feb 26, 2012
Erstellt von: Markus Boehm
Kategorie: Exhibitions/Markets

Since the 3rd of February we are here, throwing pots, glazing and firing. Our "exhibition in progress" started on Friday, the 17th of February.

vase with crystal glaze

Our Australian adventure reached it's next stage with our residency at Strathnairn (near Canberra).  New clay, new raw materials, new tools  and new kilns made everything unpredictable.

For the weekend of the exhibition opening we concentrated on having new crystal glazed work - a challenge with those very different kilns and the short time frame! But we are very glad of having the possibility to show our work at the Strathnairn Homestead Gallery and finally had been able to set up a very good exhibition. The crystal glazes developed really nice patterns.

Because it was not possible to fulfill the wood kiln in just ten days, we had the firing there between the exhibition opening and the "floor talk" the following weekend (Saturday, 25th of February). The firing took place the 21st of February. So there was just one chance - no restart, no second try!

The firing was good, some surprises, nice shinos and copper reds. The clay bodies looked a bit unexpected, it seems there had been some changes since I used RSF and Kageroo the last time 4 years ago...














MÜRITZKERAMIK:  Alt Gaarz 6, 17248 Lärz

Werkstattgalerie geöffnet:  (Mai bis Ende September) Dienstag bis Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, ansonsten nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder auf gut Glück.

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