MueritzKeramik at the Sturt Gallery

Jan 14, 2012
Erstellt von: Markus Boehm
Kategorie: Exhibitions/Markets
Ceramic made by Ute and Markus Böhm presented at the Sturt Gallery

Together with other tutors of the Sturt Summer School we are presenting our work at the Sturt Gallery. You can buy especially vessels and dishes with beautiful crystal glazes.

Please note that all our ceramics are made for daily use. They are dishwasher and microwave proof and it is understood that you can use them safely for food.Sturtgalerie2












MÜRITZKERAMIK:  Alt Gaarz 6, 17248 Lärz

Werkstattgalerie geöffnet:  (Mai bis Ende September) Dienstag bis Samstag 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, ansonsten nach telefonischer Vereinbarung oder auf gut Glück.

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